Diet plan to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks

It's no secret that trying to lose weight can be a hassle for many people.The number one reason why people can't lose weight is simply because they're not sure what to do.With so many diet commercials and weight loss gadgets it's no wonder why people remain confused.In this article I'm going to give you the tips you need to successfully lose pounds and inches.

Here are the super easy weight loss tips that anyone can follow:

1. Eat healthy and frequently.Fitness instructors will tell you that people with a high metabolism usually lose and maintain weight, easier than a person with a slow metabolism.Your metabolism is simply the rate at which your body burns calories.You should eat small, healthy meals every two hours. It will help keep your metabolism up, which will help you burn fat. The foods that will help you lose weight include lean meats, veggies, fruits and nuts, fish , and whole wheat breads and pastas.

2. Workout at least 3 times a week. People that don't exercise on a regular basis usually have a harder time losing weight.Exercising is one of the simplest ways to boost your metabolism.Sometime in the near future you should make it a goal to start exercising at least three times a week.Make sure you keep your exercises fun and simple.Here are few fun exercises you can add to your fitness routine: Hula hooping , jumping on a trampoline ,and dancing.

3. Drink one cup of green tea a day. Green tea is not only delicious but studies that have been conducted in recent years, have shown that green tea does decrease fat mass and body weight. It also has a lot of other healthy benefits that will help you.

4. Drink eight cups of water a day. If your not really a tea person then stick to drinking eight glasses of water a day.Water will help increase your metabolism and get rid of toxins in your body.

I have just given you some of the best weight loss tips that you'll ever find. If you're serious about losing weight and  getting back in shape, be sure to use these tips as soon as possible.

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